Internet Explorer 11 messing up site layout

Hi guys,

I’m having a massive issue with internet explorer 11 regarding my layout.
I just published the site for a client and he just wrote me that some pages are messed up while open in internet explorer 11… I thought webflow would manage the code so that it would work on every browser type ? Am I maybe doing something wrong ?

I need help please :confused:

in chrome:

in explorer 11 on windows 10, I checked the browser is up to date.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @anthonysalamin

Thanks for posting and this is definitely a weird glitch.

If you are using Flexbox for this section, the section won’t display as expected in IE.

This is because IE doesn’t fully support flexbox, so it won’t render correctly for any user on IE.

I recommend taking one of two routes here:

This is definitely a subjective decision that largely depends on your user base. If you expect a lot of users to be accessing your site via IE then option 1 is the best route. If most of your users will be using modern web browsers and mobile devices, you may consider the second option.

Hope this helps :smiley:

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