Hi Community,
I am trying to put text over an image within a section. Let me share my steps:
- 2 Columns
a. Column 1
b. Container inside column 1
c. Image inside container/column
d. Text on top of image — Image is then pushed down
How do I overlay the text on the image?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)
Could you provide a read only link?
(Rutger de Ruiter)
Set the position for the textblok to absolute. and use flexbox for container 17 to allign it as you wich
Hi Kaitlin,
Here is what I did:
- Change column 1 left padding to 0px.
- Select the “professional: Hi” and set the position to absolute.
- Then set the z-index to 1.
That’ll put the text on top of the image. You could also play around with the margin’s on the text block to set its positioning.