I am trying to replicate the tutorial here CSS grid in Webflow | Webflow University so that I can have my brand logo overlap my image.
I have followed the steps and set a Div block with my image background
I have included the grid 3 columns by 3 rows
I’m trying to drag my image across the 2 columns and 2 rows but I can’t seem to grab the little blue square at the bottom right corner of my image (as in the Webflow University video at 1:14 ‘Set up the Overlap’)?
I have attached a link to my video here Webflow Faizal's New Project 2 - YouTube
Link attached to my site preview https://preview.webflow.com/preview/faizals-new-project?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=faizals-new-project&preview=c923964a73f3336a7071b3416a6a592c&pageId=5eac3982d76edde155e3d823&mode=preview
I am using the latest version of Chrome and have even tried in an Incognito browser.
Please help!
Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)