Overlapping Grid Content


I am trying to replicate the tutorial here CSS grid in Webflow | Webflow University so that I can have my brand logo overlap my image.

I have followed the steps and set a Div block with my image background
I have included the grid 3 columns by 3 rows

I’m trying to drag my image across the 2 columns and 2 rows but I can’t seem to grab the little blue square at the bottom right corner of my image (as in the Webflow University video at 1:14 ‘Set up the Overlap’)?

I have attached a link to my video here Webflow Faizal's New Project 2 - YouTube

Link attached to my site preview https://preview.webflow.com/preview/faizals-new-project?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=faizals-new-project&preview=c923964a73f3336a7071b3416a6a592c&pageId=5eac3982d76edde155e3d823&mode=preview

I am using the latest version of Chrome and have even tried in an Incognito browser.

Please help!


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

please share site Read-Only link

test ok!

I apologise.

Link here https://preview.webflow.com/preview/faizals-new-project?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=faizals-new-project&preview=db3deaa3470ca2f15fffc15fb89dfa92&pageId=5eac3982d76edde155e3d823&mode=preview

i have a suggest , use chrome Incognito window ,test again

Ok I’ll give that a try!

It works fine for me. You can also set the image Position to Manual and type in which rows and columns you want the image to be in.

Thank you so much joejola, that worked!

Shame about those handles though much more interactive/user friendly.

But thanks again I really appreciate you guys’ input.


No problem. Glad to help!