Open Graph Settings Not Showing Up

Hi I have Open Graph settings set up for a few days now

But it’s still showing the old preview when I post it on social media. (Facebook)

Can anyone share some tips?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

You need to use the sharing debugger.

Run your URL through a couple of times, and try again :slight_smile:


Oh wow! Thank you for that! I just ran that and saw these:

Not sure what these means and how to fix it.

and now sure where the highlighted text is still staying at. :frowning:

Any tips?

Hey Ming_Yang,

Have you had any progress with your issue?

I’m having similar problems with missing properties (app_id, title, description) and reaching Facebook support is basically impossible. I’m hoping to find useful information in the Webflow forums.
