Need Web Template (Blogs & Articles)

Hi :wave:t2:,

Couple of months ago I have taken a screenshot of a website related to blogs/articles and itseems they have used webflow. Later the website was down. Can someone please check this screenshot and let me know the exact template name?

I found this design but not sure if this is same template - Frequency M - Blog HTML5 Responsive Website Template

I want the exact same web template as in screenshot. If anyone know, Please let me know, thanks in advance.

Thank you!

There are probably 1,000+ templates and nothing about your screenshot suggests any designer techniques.

Honestly it looks to me like the default free blog template, or just something you’d whip out in about 15 mins. It’s pretty basic.

Not sure what that thin top bar is below the nav, a stock ticker maybe? That would typically be added by a 3rd party lib.