I am trying to position this section. The mint green section needs to be 520px in height responsive and has to sit flush against the top of the purple footer. Also, I cant seem to figure out how to get the text inside my buttons to be centered in the middle of the button and not centered to the top of them. Here is my URL: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/1800days-83dc84?preview=67c636ca7d00e049ab851b6b3be2cc71
This is just getting ridiculious. I have been trying to understand webflow for about a week now and nothing makes sense because like my mobile design for my site is slightly different as far as looks on the homepage and when I make those slight changes, my entire hero image gets messed up and I cant figure out how to put it back. Webflow is beginning to be an issue now considering its seeming to be more difficult than hand coding everything. This takes way to much time.
@PixelGeek I dot have time to be watching videos which is why I chose webflow because I dont have time to hand code this website so I figured it would be easier in webflow but its by far, less quicker than hand coding.
For the other problem. Put the footer in its own section, and adjust the padding of the footer section accordingly. Hope this helps. @PixelGeek is right you know. the tutorials are very helpful.