Need help with linking a collection to a collection list


I have set up the CMS with the standard Blog Post Collection. I created 5 of the dummy posts, which seemed to generate and publish correctly with their images. I created a list for the collection on my page and followed the video tutorial to add an image to the collection item, but when going to link the image to one of the image properties of the Collection Item, that option was not available. It just showed me the standard Upload Image and the only thing related to a dynamic image is the bg image option in the dynamic style settings. I also tried adding smaller thumbnail images to the CMS in case it was an image size issue - nothing. Any idea why it does not work as it does in the Webflow tutorial video?

Thanks in advance.

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hi Rich,

You haven’t shared any screenshots, videos or your designer link, so I can only guess. There’s been a UI change since most of the videos were produced in that the property-CMS binding button is now a little purple dot next to most bindable properties.

My best guess is you’re not seeing that, as it looks differently from the videos now. Look in the corner of the image setting, click the little purple button, you should have the ability to bind any image in your collection.