I am using the Fullpage.js plugin (alvarotrigo.com) on my webflow site. Can somebody explain to me why Scrolling Interactions don’t work anymore when i use the plugin? They seem to interfere with each other but I dont know why and how to fix it…
The Script is working fine, as I said. I am only talking about the interaction of the paragraph on the second page. It does not trigger. And of course I am talking about Published Mode.
Hey. Thanks for your answer and the video. But I don’t think you understood me correctly. Everything you did in the video is clear to me and was before. I don’t want the whole middle section to fade in, only the paragraph. I could do this by triggering the paragraph via the section and saying “affect different element(s)”. But even this does not work. The first and second section trigger directly on page load, the third section doesn’t trigger at all… Have a look by yourself.
And of course, all the Interactions work in Webflows Preview Mode. This is because the fullpage.js plugin is not being loaded here. It is only loaded on the published site. And here, none of the scrolling interactions work correctly, as I stated above. Thanks again for your time, but I’m sorry… you didn’t help me at all. Not yet!
Did you check the published page? In the videos, you’re always in Preview Mode. As I said, that is where it works all the time. It’s the published page (fullpagescroll.webflow.com) where the problems occur. Please check that one. I don’t know if my english skills are good enough to explain myself better. I am from germany.
So, every section fades in when you scroll to it? Here, the first and second sections fade in on page load and the third doesn’t fade in at all. I tried it in Safari, Chrome and Firefox. Nothing.
Cloning and transferring projects is not possible in the personal plan, only in the professional plan. And i am on the personal plan. So that’s not possible for me. Sorry.
What’s wrong with having the same class for different paragraphs? And what’s wrong with having one interaction for more than one paragraph? I think now we are diskussing general designing guidelines but not the problem I have.
What I think is the main problem… There must be some javascript functions in the fullpage.js with identical names or variables used by webflow and they kind of interfer with each other, limiting the interactions to work properly. I just don’t know how to find and rename them so that everything works again.
I created my own version - on my server - and got the exact same response you did.
I will go through the js and try to figure out what’s going on.
I’m betting there’s a conflict.
As for the naming… it just would made it easier for me to understand what you were talking about. No big deal… like I said - the issue is confirmed - at least on my end.
Hey. Thanks again for your time! I’m glad somebody helps. But I don’t think the problem has anything to do with the interaction itself and how it is animated in between. I mean it’s irrelevant if you animate the movement or opacity or anything else… The interaction simply doesnt get triggered and gets stuck in it’s “initial appearance” state! And that is because of a conflict between webflow and fullpage.js! So we have to look inside these two. I am just not very good in javascript. That’s why I need help! =)
I’m not saying “it’s opacity that’s creating the issue”.
I’m saying “look at opacity”… because that’s a case where I can provide an issue.
When you remove opacity… and instead add a different interaction - like “move”… which is what I did…
the issue changes a little.
So something that Webflow is doing (or not doing… or doing incorrectly - or fullpage is is doing… etc… you get the point) is conflicting with fullpage.
When you remove opacity as an interaction… FullPage become more usable.
Took a while for me to get to understand what you were talking about… but I eventually got there.