NAV Menu hides behind pictures on mobile

Hi there,

I have an issue with a mobile menu on a live website.

I just realized that the mobile menu opens behind pictures& content on “projekte” which it did not used to do when I published the site a few months ago. I have set the z index to 999 and played around with other options but I do not get anywhere.

Did something change with the menu behaviour or I am doing sth completely wrong. I would greatly appreciate any input here.

Many thanks

Here is my site Read-Only:
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

live link

If you open up your nav bar symbol, change the container to relative, then increase the z-index to 999 (or whatever), all should be ok

Hi Iain,

appreciate your mega quick response!!! Somehow it does not seem to work here thoughor I do it wrong. I put the Container in the nav bar symbol to 999 and opened the menu …still behind… and I put z index of nav menu to 999 but it still appears behind content. Any other idea or did I do it wrong?

Many thanks

Hm. It’s a head scratcher for sure…

Ok, how about changing ‘Section 9’ to relative with a z-index of 0?

thanks again for support - not sure what I did differently this time but now putting the z Index of the nav bar did the job