NAV BAR ISSUES with social icons

I need help with this urgently please as am due to make site live!
My social icons in nav bar have dropped down for some reason and are hanging below panel. I didn’t make any changes to the nav bar as it’s a symbol and all looked good the other day. I’ve just logged in to do some more work and it looks terrible! VERY annoying! Any help asap would be really appreciated!!

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

The public link you’re giving is not the right one.

Can you please follow those steps?

You can find detailed information about this here too: Share a read-only link | Webflow University

Hi Vincent, I did this exact process. Sorry will try again.

here you go:

I played with them and I don’t know why they’re so broken.

My advice:

  • delete them
  • duplicate the last link of the bar twice
  • change classes
  • add icons and edit links

Thank you for your advice. I’m under such time restraints, not impressed that I’ve done nothing to change them and yet they are wonky. Cannot believe I have to do the whole nav bar all over.
Thanks for your help. : )

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