NAV bar has disappeared. Help

Hello… again. The eager novice here with another question.

I have been developing a dashboard system via the only dashboard template webflow provides and things have been going great.
a couple of days ago my nav menu has disappeared from EDIT and TOGGLE view. I’ve been able to edit via the drop down navigation but my nav bar has gone missing but the links are still there to edit, but wont show up… here is the link to my site… Anyone?

Hello @Danielle_Barros,

can you share your read only link?

sorry but what do you mean?
Did I send you the editable version…

Hello @Danielle_Barros,

Not something that we can edit, but a link that shows your designer. This link will explain better Share a read-only link | Webflow University

Hello @Danielle_Barros,

So for some reason your nav bar menu container had a position relative of -191 on the top
After I changed the position to 0 your nav bar showed back again.

Please let me know if that fixes your problem. Take care.

And Thank you for taking the time to help me!

I tried that just now, but the nav bar menu container shows a relative position of 0 & still shows does not show up. Do you mind me asking what specific steps you’ve taken to get it to show?

So what you need is to go to any page where you have the navbar symbol and double click on it to edit it. Once you double click your navbar symbol you will be able to see the container that is causing the problem, select it and change the top position from -191 to 0

Let me know if you got it to work.

IT WORKED! Thank you…

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Great!! I’m glad it worked out for you @Danielle_Barros, best of luck with MirrorMe.

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@Danielle_Barros do you mind marking the issue as solved so someone else with the same question can reference this post? Thank you.