Hey Guys, I’ve been struggling with a mystery here. Can you please help out?
On mobile only, I get a weird body overflow and horizontal scrollbars, but all the content is within margins … I think. I can’t find what’s getting out of view or to fix it.
At first I thought It was the portrait picture from the header. On mobile only, I set it to margin right and adjusted it to background-position-x: 85%; so that the face doesn’t overlap with the text. I thought this was the problem but upon changing it back, to center (just for the sake of the test) I still get overflow and horizontal scrollbar on mobile. Can’t find the problem
Here are two screenshots from phone Safari and Chrome:
Preview Link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/danostafi?preview=8c71c5c4f1f38e817ee50a527a96661d
Webflow Published Link: http://danostafi.webflow.io/
Live website (optional): http://www.ostafi.pro