My site looks broken in designer


I just checked a client’s website and it looks broken in designer mode, elements are moved or missing, it’s as if the classes it is pulling though are wrong?

Everything looks as it should on my published version:

Oddly, the issue is prevalent in the site backups as well.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as this appears to be a bug of some kind.

Here’s the read only link: Webflow - Inventya

Here’s the published site:

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi, @Steve_Wright!

Thanks so much for posting about this. I’m looking into this right now with the team and as soon as we know more we’ll let you know right here!

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this would be a quick fix that I mentioned on another post. Hope they fix it soon!


Hi Collin!

I checked out your fix and it’s helped a bit, however as far as I can tell some items without number led classes are displaying weirdly too …

Hi, all! The team just rolled out a fix that should solve the previous problems that you were seeing.

I’m so sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused, and if you’re still seeing issues don’t hesitate to reach back out!


You hero :slight_smile:

Everything looks to be working as it should for me now.

Fab support as always!

@Collin_Arnold have you got a donate button or anything where I can buy you a beer / coffee?

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Haha no I don’t but I appreciate the offer! I’m just psyched to be able to help and give back to this amazing community even if it’s just a little bit!


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