My images don't really delete on the bandwithd

I deleted images from my site, they are deleted in the assets and on the site but I have the impression that they are not really deleted.
Let me explain: when I add my new optimized images and I check the bandwidth in the settings it increases and it did not delete my old images.
How to do it?

That’s correct, Webflow keeps your original images hosted, to support any direct links you’ve established like og:image links, and to support your RSS feeds.

What that means is that your old images are still being requested somewhere. Unfortunately WF’s bandwidth reports do not give you any indication of where the images are being used, or who is requesting them, which is difficult to work with.

I’d suspect og:image and RSS feeds first. Recently I noticed that images in rich text content are also currently not getting picked up by the CMS optimizer, you might check that as well.

The best way to find out is actually to download all of your HTML site-wide, including CMS pages, and make it searchable so that you can find asset URLs in all of your content.

If you’re still struggling and need help, I do a lot of work in this space.

thanks so much to your reply.
I check the preview HTML but i don’t find it.
I don’t have workspace plan on this acount… so i don’t resolve the pb…