Multiple CMS Collections in one dynamic list


I was wondering if anyone can provide some helpful pointers on how to structure this properly using Collection List component.

Similar to Neil Patel's Digital Marketing Blog - I’d like to show multiple collections in one dynamic list for my project:

Namely: blog posts, video content, & Audio in one dynamic list like Neil Patels blog.

Navigate to ‘Articles - Production’ page.

Any instruction on how to do this would be really appreciated.

Thanks again

@vincent I saw you had a good suggestion elsewhere, but I can’t find the post you made!

Here is my public share link: [LINK][1]
([how to access public share link][2])

[1]: http://
[2]: Share a read-only link | Webflow University

Hi Will,

One solution for your design would be using Tabs and In each tab the collection list should be filtered as needed. I saw you are looking for a dropdown menu, which you can have with some custom code connected to the tabs. Here’s a post about that: Linking a button to a specific tab in a tabs menu

Another solution would be using this filter: [TUTORIAL] MixItUp filtering plugin with Dynamic content


Thanks again @avivtech

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