Multi-image field output not showing all images

Hi everyone,

I’ve added a multi-image field to a collection, when I output this in a nested collection some images disappear. I have a maximum of 7 images but only 5 display. There is no issue when there are up to 5 images. But for some reason any more don’t show.

Does anyone have an idea what’s going on? I thought that multi image would be so useful to me, but after all the time setting it up I’m struggling.

Many thanks!

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Can you provide a read-only link? Also, make sure that you don’t have any limit set on the collection list via the settings tab on the right side. To my knowledge, you can have up to 25 images in a single multi-image field.

No limit set, as far as I can see.

Here’s the Read only link:

It’s the first collection “Investment megatrends”

and the CMS list at the bottom of the second page “Responsible investing”

The thumbnail images is where only up to 5 appear.

I see the same issues.

Nested collection gets cut-off after 5 images:

whereas the corresponding collection page show alls images:

I’ve now found out that Webflow have put a limit of 5 items per nested list in place – and there is no way around it. That’s seriously limiting and frustrating, especially if you need to show just 6 or 7 images. 5 seems a strangely low limit, which negates benefits to many use cases.

Yup, figured it by now, too. And somewhere in the designer it even tries to tell you that 5 is the limit… so my mistake!

Has anyone a solution to display a button that leads to a page with all items (=it’s collection page) but display it only, when more than 5 nested items are in the bucket…?

@WebflowCommunityTeam I cannot understand why you are limiting nested collections to just 5 items/images. I am trying to add simple ‘galleries’ of multi-image uploads and this is stopping this dead in its tracks. If you are limiting gallery uploads to 25 images please then reflect this with a minimum nested collection of 25!


Yes come on @WebflowCommunityTeam this is a mega road block! 5 images is WAY to low for a gallery.

This is absolutely insane that there is a limit of just 5 images. Why do this @WebflowCommunityTeam ?

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I’m here just to highlight that this is still a thing!! 5 images is all that is allowed… imagine trying to explain that to a paying client.

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There is a way around this:
Create the multi image gallery inside the template page of that collection. It won’t have a 5 image limit.

If you try to display the multi image inside of a regular standalone Webflow page you hit the limit.

The 5 image limit is still an issue as of today!

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Is there seriously still a 5 image limit?? This is crazy…

Still getting only 5 images. That’s a huge problem, having a masonry grid on the home page that requires 7 images…and there’s nothing to do about it, it’s frustrating