Mosaic photo gallery

Is there a way to make a mosaic type photo gallery?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

This has been asked and answered numerous times in the forums. Please perform a search for “masonry’ if you have not already. You will find solutions to your problem.

Take A look at this topic;

Hi Jeff, are you aware that mosaic is different to masonry?
Or are you saying that masonry is similar enough to create both?

I am also looking to make a mosaic gallery and can’t find anything about it.


Kindly show me an example of a mosaic gallery and define the difference. I am not aware of the difference between that conceptually and a masonry layout, but I have not seen everything yet.

ok sure, thanks jeff
would be awesome if you could help

Masonry - Pro Masonry Gallery
Mosaic - Pro Mosaic Gallery