MISSING.txt assets on export and cached links

Continuing the discussion from • X-files failed to export. Check MISSING.txt in the ZIP file for more info:

I’ve had this issue today, including assets caching links to old images/paths. Very odd.

I did the usual empty cache, quit, re-boot put it still persisted. Ended up creating a whole new site just to start afresh quickly. It was an old project re-visited. Guessing it retains references on S3 by error.

I’ve also noticed redundant CSS styles exporting, with image refs and fonts styles long deleted. Mostly from ‘Body’ styles.

Anyway, if anybody has any pointers on scrubbing old crap from projects let me know.


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Might be related to [Resolved] Can't export website

Hi @WillPrice

Thanks for posting, this definitely sounds like odd behavior.

What sites are you seeing this issue occur in? Can you send me the site Read-Only links please?

Please send me screenshots of the behavior you’re describing?

Can you please try the following:
(1) Try to reproduce the error while being logged into Webflow using Incognito mode with browser extensions turned off: Browse in private - Computer - Google Chrome Help
(2) If the problem persists, please take a screenshot of your Console and send it to me: Chrome DevTools - Chrome Developers

Could you also please let me know what browser version you’re using by sending me your information from this page?

Thanks in advance!

Hi Brando,

I still get MISSING.txt on export. The incorrect assets links seems to have fixed themselves after a re-boot.


Putting it down to my browser (Brave). Happy to close this.


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