Error message on export

Hi guys,

I just now tried to export a site and get the following message:

3 files failed to export. Check MISSING.txt in the ZIP file for more info.

What to do?

Regards, Goderd

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @Goderd

Thanks for posting about this.

Can you please share your Read-Only link :slight_smile:

Can you also let me know which files are missing from the export?

​Thanks in advance.

Hi Brando,

Thank you for replying. It seems the font (Gotham) I added (but not used) in the design is not
working properly. I removed the font and then all was fine. Maybe the font was broken.

Anyway. Thanx for now.

Regards, Goderd

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Thanks for the update and glad to hear it’s working now.

Definitely odd that this font file caused the issue, though. If you encounter this or other odd behavior again, feel free to reach out directly and we’d be happy to investigate further.

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