First of all, I want to say amazing work @sabanna!
I got inspired by your portfolio site last time at the workshop and I tried to replicate the Menu behaviour but I haven’t done it quite yet.
Everything works just fine but when I clic a ‘NavLink’ it supposed to close the menu and start the interactions all over, the thing is when I clic the Menu button again it doesn’t do anything and I have to clic a second time, I supposed it is because the interaction I made for the Menu button where I have a second clic animation that is no running because the Side Bar was closed by another interaction (NavLink)
Sorry if I dropped this just like that I don’t know if there is a proper way to do it, if so let me know
Ok, I see you create “Side menu” from scratch. Maybe here is a problem.
I used standard navbar and it has its fuctionality: it is closing when you click the nav-link.