Menu drop downs not working

Hi there, I’m working on a website and I’m trying to have drop downs appear to the side of the menu dropdown on mobile. almost like it does on the desktop version. but it doesn’t seem to want to work, I have no idea what’s wrong please help.

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Viking Firearms

Hey anyone with this same problem, I actually fixed it myself

(For clarification, my problem was mobile (menu block) dropdown not allowing anything (nested dropdown blocks) to show if it’s position was out side of the nav menu dropdown)

To fix this I set the nav menu type (in the settings of nav menu) from right side to drop down, then setting the width to what I wanted, and using position absolute to place it on the right edge then pushing it down below my nav bar.

This also allowed the nav button to still be visible after opening, allow an easy way to close the menu.