Ok so my Nav bar is working very strangely. When I open in incognito mode, the dropdown works. But when I open it in a regular window, the dropdown will appear, but then when I try to scroll over it, it disappears and won’t let me click on any of the dropdown items? Any ideas what is going wrong?
Also, I can’t figure out how to make my logo clickable to return to the home page.
Here is my site Read-Only: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/pc-site-dev?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=pc-site-dev&preview=507121f9a6accc32f0fbe23578fa612b&pageId=615f4fd40c559e45fe2c9ccd&itemId=615f52305768e2a7173d2036&workflow=preview