Lottie (JSON) files not showing on page load

Good day! Has anyone experienced an issue where a .JSON Lottie file doesn’t display on the initial load of a website, even after refreshing? Please see the attached video for reference. Thanks
Recording 2024-12-07 064449

Hey Bernie, you’d have to look at the page. My first guesses would be;

  • Something happening with Interactions, e.g. hidden initially, or transparency 0, or
  • The Lotties is paused on frame 1, and the lottie frame 1 might be blank

Depends on how you generated them, and how your Interaction is setup, but you might need to get the interaction initial state to set the lottie to a position of 100%, then on hover / trigger, restart it.

Thanks @memetican

I will check that and post an update :smile: