Hey there folks, first build in a veeeery long time, and also first post here ever
I’ve added a Lottie animation that’s supposed to work when it’s clicked, but for some reason it just won’t play. The animation plays perfectly both when I hover it on the Assets panel and when I select it on the canvas and click “preview animation”, but for some reason the “on click > Lottie playback” interaction does nothing.
Can someone please enlighten me?
Much appreciated
Here is my public share link: Webflow - Rubini.co (the heart icon down in the footer)
You might need to share your read-only link to inspect but make sure that you’ve added a click interaction within Webflow as well. I don’t believe the animation will work just by placing it on the page.
@Port_of_Folio I’ve updated the original post with the read-only link, thanks for clarifying.
I forgot to mention that I did set up the interaction for the onClick event, just as described on this tutorial from the University. I didn’t expect it would work just by placing it.
Hello all, I just figured it out. First, do not set an initial state, and then make sure everything in timing is set to 0 on your first lottie frame, in order to allow it to reset to play on multiple button clicks. The second lottie frame does need the timing set to 100% and the same length of your animation. Hope this helps someone else along the way.