Logo/brand shifts to the right when scrolling down and back up

Need help figuring this bug. The logo/brand in the top nav menu shifts to the right when scrolling down and back up on mobile landscape and portrait. See video: EXAMPLE Here’s the site link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/conde-koma-bjj?utm_source=conde-koma-bjj&preview=11d54d68468f81f85b227523fcacde4b


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Hi, @itsmeblake!

I jumped into your site and did some investigating and I think I’ve pinpointed the issue. The logo/brand link is set to take people to a section. And when that link is current or has the current selector applied there is no padding on the link:

As you scroll down and leave the section you’re linked to the element loses that current state. On that class, minus the current selector, there is a padding added which is causing the logo/brand to jump.

If you make that padding consistent between the two states that should take care of your issue!

Let me know if you have any other questions and I’ll be happy to assist you further!

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Thank you, that did the trick… Not sure how I ended up there. Much appreciated for your help!

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You’re welcome! So glad that I could help! :slight_smile:

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