[Localization] I can't hide link elements on dropdown menu

I have to hide a few links in the nav bar’s dropdown menu for different locales.

I’ve created a class on the primary locale (pt-br) to hide it on the secondary locale (en). It works on Preview, but it only works in the Preview, when I Publish It, it doesn’t work, as if I didn’t do it.

PS: There is no Element Visibility in dropdown menu.

Read Only

It is supposed to be this way:

It publishes this way:

Help me, please!

Hi Camila, you’ll need to share a readonly designer link, and published site link for the community to help.

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Added, thanks! Could you help me?

Your setup looks good, however in the en alternate locale, You currently have your en-hidden class set to display as inline-flex.

Set it to display none and you should be fine.

Hi! Thanks for helping me. It was display as inline-flex because I was testing. But I set display none now for you to see. It affects only preview mode, not the published site. Try it again, please.

Looks good.

Hi! I’m sorry but I and my client still can’t see it.
There are a few changes my client can’t see yet.
Could you help me, please?

I need it to be like in Preview—Read Only, but it has not been published properly yet.

Preview - Read Only

How it is when published

Preview - Read Only

How it is when published

Preview - Read Only

How it is when published

I appreciate it.

I’ll direct-message you.

Hello. Can you help me as well? I’m having the same exact problem.

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I’m having the same problem, so looking for an answer too.
Already hidden all elements, even changed the colour of the elements so you won’t see them, nothing works in live version (it looks good in preview mode).

This worked for me: Localised styling not reflected on published site?