Live site stopped showing section all of the sudden?

My client reached out to me saying that the content on the How It Works page was not showing. I hadn’t touched Webflow in over a week. I go to the page and an entire section is missing. I re-published from Designer and it was still blank. I had to change the name of the class in Designer and republish to make it visible again.

Anyone experience this? Is this a known bug? This is, of course, problematic if sections of the site will not render randomly.

I tried:

  • Duplicating the page and publishing (nope)
  • Changing the URL path (nope)

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK][1]
([how to share your site Read-Only link][2])

Was there any changes between when you last touched the site and when the problem occurred? You might want to check your backups to see.

Sometimes, bugs like this can pop up due to caching issues or CSS conflicts. It’s good to hear that changing the class name worked for you. Hopefully, this was just a one-time glitch.