It is below the 2nd section and is named ISA Link Block, problem is I used a link block but I have no link field to fill out. Behaves like a div block without link ability.
Thank you, Rob
It is below the 2nd section and is named ISA Link Block, problem is I used a link block but I have no link field to fill out. Behaves like a div block without link ability.
Thank you, Rob
Hmm, not sure what happened but this is showing up as a Div block in your navigator—link blocks show as a small chain icon. Thankfully Webflow allows you to change between the two fairly easily (which is possibly what happened in your case), just right click on the element and choose “Convert to Link Block”:
After converting the element on my end, I see the icon change and I’m able to add links as expected:
Still working on this site, thank you very much
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