Limited to 5 reference fields. Need to get around it

Hey everyone :slight_smile:

So, here’s what I’m looking for:

I have a CMS collection called “accommodation”. In this, there will be lots of different properties from all around the world.

If you look at the template, you’ll see that each individual property has around 20 fields.

These properties will not individually have their own page on the site.

Instead, there is another collection titled “reviews”.

These will be published pages such as “The 10 best hotels in Sri Lanka”

That article would, therefore, need to reference 10 individual hotels from “accommodation”.

Does that make sense?

If you look at the Reviews template page you’ll see that it has been mostly styled and shows how it would pull the desired information.

The problem I have is that the CMS hosting limits you to just 5 references. And business hosting limits you to 10 references. However, I would need 14 references total to do it the way I wish, and Webflow support have informed me that this is not possible.
If you have another suggestion of how to do this I would love to hear it.

Would the multiple reference field work?

Here is my site Read-Only:
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

@Brando @Waldo can anyone help with this?

Hi @williamsbrad1994

Yes a multi-ref field would be perfect for this.

You can add a multi-ref field to the reviews collection and connect it to the accommodations. Then you can add as many accommodations as needed for each review.

When it comes to designing, you can add a collection list to your reviews collection template page and bind it directly to the multi-ref field for accommodations. Then only the accommodation items selected for that review will show up

You can reference (hehe) this article for more info:

Hope this helps!


great thank you for this! Got it all up and working now.
And to be honest, this works much better than i had originally planned using multiple individual reference fields. so thanks guys :slight_smile:

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