Lightbox Pinch, Zoom, Pan on Mobile

Anyway to make Lightbox images behave when pinching or tapping on mobile?

With Lightbox on my site, trying to do so usually causes the image to flip to the next or previous image, especially when attempting to pan around to see sections of the image.

Currently using an iPhone 8 running iOS 12.1.2. Not sure how it behaves on other mobile devices (?). > Chapter One (button).

Or visit the ‘Grumprs’ page via Read-Only: Webflow - Nathan Greyman

Im in the same boat… now lightbox is CMS friendly, this would be a great addition. Did you get anywhere with this nth?

Add this code before /body tag:


var Webflow = Webflow || [];
Webflow.push(function () {
  $(document).on('tap','.w-inline-block.w-lightbox', function(){