Lightbox ignoring YouTube timestamp to start player


I’m encountering a bug where timestamp parameters I’m adding to YouTube link are being ignored by the player, resulting in the player starting from the beginning of the video.

I’ve tried multiple iterations of adding a timestamp [e.g. &t=11] but none have worked:

  • using ? instead of &
  • adding autoplay=1 before and after &t=11 [Note: autoplay parameter DOES work, but it starts the video at the beginning]
  • using youtube’s embed url instead of the share URL
  • using “&start=11” instead of “&t=11”

Is this a known or recent bug? Looking for any solutions here!

Here is my site Read-Only:

Syntax example:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

So append ?start=seconds to the URL should work as it does in the iframe example above.

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Lightboxes work fine with Youtube + time and autoplay params.
The user action of the click to open the lightbox even enables it to autoplay unmuted.

You seem to be using HTML-encoded content in your video URL which won’t work. The format you need your YouTube URL to be in for video lightboxes will look like this;
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