Landscape mobile, content falls to bottom of page


So the mobile landscape view on one of my pages is acting funky. All of my content gets push down to the bottom of the screen. It looks perfectly fine in the editor and I have played around with it for forever. Not matter what I do to the hero section on landscape view in the editor, nothing moves or changes when I publish the site and go check it. All other views works fine, except landscape view. What have I done wrong?

Here is my site Read-Only:
([how to share your site Read-Only link][2])

Here is my published site:

Try to decrease;

 .hero-text-container {
    margin-top: 295px;

To 130px.

I have played around with the margins and padding and nothing changes after I publish it. Nothing moves on the published page.

Cleared the cache of your browser after you made the changes ?

That didn’t work either.