I recently created a new website with Webflow’s CMS hosting. Now I want a single CTA Landing page. Can I use the same hosting as my website? Do I need a subdomain? Or, can I just create another page on my current website, and give it a unique url for the landing page? Probably simple, but I can’t find any answers. Looking for the best practices to host landing pages.
Normally, a ‘landing page’ would refer to the first page people see when they visit your website, and yes, you can create this in the same project and set it as the home page in the page settings.
Chris, Thank you for your response. But, I’m not referring to the Home page. For this landing page I’m referring to a single web page that highlights a product or service with a CTA. This is usually done with a subdomain (porduct.domain.com). I’m looking for answers to see the best practice for hosting landing pages with my current website hosting plan.
Can I set-up a subdomain and name my page with that url? Do I just create a single page and give it a unique url? I’m new to Webflow.
Gotcha, thanks for clarifying your use case here. As far as I’m aware, there isn’t a way to publish separately to a subdomain in Webflow, unless you have separate projects with separate hosting plans. If you’d prefer to not go that route, I would personally create the page in my main project, and set up a redirect via my domain registrar to point the subdomain to the URL of the page that actually lives on the main domain.
Or, if go subdomain like: https://business.talkspace.com/ (is this how they do it with a redirect?) I’m really just looking for the simplest way, and not have to pay for another hosting plan.
Yes, you can definitely do just what the Loom example has. You would create a folder, and put the page inside of it. Then, the URL to get to that page would just be website.com/folder/pagename
If you want a subdomain instead, such as pagename.website.com, that would then redirect to website.com/folder/pagename, you’d set up a redirect with your domain registrar so that when someone accesses the subdomain, it sends them to the page.
Neither of these scenarios would require an additional hosting plan.