I know this is a common issue a lot of people need help with. I’ve read and done most solutions but I have a particularly stubborn overflow issue but only on certain breakpoints.
I see I only have horizontal overflow elements on the DESKTOP breakpoint (992px - 1919px) the larger breakpoints (1920 & up, tablet, mobile, etc are all fine).
My issue here is this. I’ve truly set all design elements to 100% or 100vw and clicked overflow to hidden. I even tried testing some Javascript with CTRL SHIFT + J and have tried to run javascript to find overflowing elements but I’m still coming up with nothing.
To have such a slick website that has an issue like this is extremely frustrating. I’m at such a loss, can someone specifically point out what element is the issue?
Are You talking about this sentence (“DESIGN FOCUSED ON BUILDING”) that goes and disapear on the right side while You scrolling? if NOT, Can you record A video that shows the issue?
Hi, the issue isn’t the text you’re referring to, that’s actually an animation and it’s set within a section and container, I don’t personally feel that’s the overflow issue.
There’s a horizontal scroll bar on all pages implying an overflow somewhere structurally. Thank you for taking a look, I sincerely appreciate it!
In this case, it’s actually easier to attach a photo but this is what I am referring to in the image. At the bottom of the page there’s a scroll bar that I highlighted with a screenshot marker.
welcome to the OverFlow club :-). When it happened to me, I worked on the elimination method - I just set hidden for certain elements and then checking if the problem disappeared. Hope this helps you
Truthfully it’s not particularly helpful because I spent quite a few hours doing this method and leads me to believe it could be multiple issues… I do appreciate you taking a look however and I understand finding the solution is rather frustrating
That said do you or anyone else for that matter know if there’s additional CSS I can include to help with this or even an integration of somesort?
SIR! YOU DID IT! I AM SHOCKED truly, I had given up all hope. I can’t say I’m surprised something so simple was causing it but I really lost all hope when the Javascript couldn’t find the issue. I WILL FORGE A GOLD STATUE OF YOU IN YOUR HONOR! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU