Introducing Design Monday

Hey everyone so excited to share with you our new video series Design Monday!

Watch on Mondays as leading designers share their advice and best practices about everything design and join the conversation here in the Webflow Community Forum.

For the first episode, we asked designers at Apple, Netflix, Instagram, and more about the best design advice they’ve ever received. :partying_face:


What’s the best design advice that you’ve ever received?


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Okay so let’s just imagine that today is Monday! We’ve got another thrilling episode of Design Monday!

Today’s topic:

What are your most helpful tips for overcoming creative blocks?

I know there are so many amazing designers in this forum so share your knowledge with the rest of us

Monday’s are becoming my favorite day of the week! Why do you ask? Because it’s DESIGN MONDAY!

Today’s episode:

How do you balance following trends while also developing your own style?