Sites built on websites work on all modern browsers? Except for Internet Explorer? Mine is showing as corrupted when you view it in Internet Explorer, not on any other browser though.
Is anyone else having this problem?
Feature developement for Internet explorer 11 ended January 12, 2016. So it should not be considered a modern browser.
Ok, so this just doesn’t work on Internet Explorer then?
That’s pretty bad - I know lots of people who use this, two people emailed me this week saying that it doesn’t work!
Most of my sites work on internet explorer.
So if you could give me a share link and the live link of your site i could have a look.
A lot of government use internet explorer because they work on old systems.
Also a lot of shops use them because those computers dont get updated that much.
But i know on the new systems it isn’t easy for people to use the old internet explorer.
Thanks for the feedback, and for the help, much appreciated!
The live site is
Do you also have a share link?
Check this out to see if a technique is supported by the browser or not:
For example, flexbox or css filters (to name 2) should not be used when creating for users on Internet Explorer as it only has partial to no support.
Ok, thanks - this is helpful