Interactions stop working after first click?

Hi guys,

I have been using Webflow for some time, it has been perfect for me as a graphic designer who wants to focus more on the design than the coding. I’m just not smart enough for that! With that, in order to troubleshoot problems I have faced in the past this forum has been brilliant. Thus, I find myself here today to ask for some help! I utilised some brilliant interactions/designs made available for cloning by beautiful people in this community to design my own personal portfolio.

Website read-only link:

Apologies for the messy file structure, I’m new to all of this. But basically, everything was fine until I tried to incorporate a behance-styled portfolio pop-up provided by the brilliant Flux on YouTube. I thought I had nailed everything, but the issues were visible after closing the pop-up. As you can see, the hover interaction works, everything is clickable. When you click the first picture, the pop-up appears, you close it and nothing is working. WHY?

It is probably something obvious but I can’t, for the life of me, figure it out. Hopefully one of you wizards in here can help.

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Try to switch in the close interaction the order of the Opacity and Show/Hide.
First should play the Opacity (to 0%), then the Show/hide 9to display None).

I hope this should help… :slight_smile:

You beautiful human being, it seems to have worked. Absolute wizard, I appreciate that a lot! Spent this whole time thinking it was something much deeper than that!

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I’m happy it worked out.

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