Hello, I have created an interaction to target anything with the class ‘fade-up’ this is attached to one of the ‘fade-up’ elements. It’s slightly strange to me that even if you select everything with the class ‘fade-up’ it still needs to be attached to a single element. Simply because if that element is ever deleted, every single ‘fade-up’ element will no longer animate. Anyways, aside from that, I’ve found interactions to be quite buggy.
The first bug is sometimes when adding another thing so lets say you do “Move” then select “Opacity” I get an error saying that the target element is on another page and I should select “Home” but I’m on the homepage and there is only a homepage. I found a fix to this was just trying it multiple times.
However, there is one that I can not fix. I have an interaction that has the icon on the element showing it’s an interaction, and when I preview I get the interaction, but in my interactions panel when the element is selected, it’s empty. This is preventing me from editing the interaction. If you click on the ‘about__text’ you’ll see what I mean.
Here is my site Read-Only: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/wildcard?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=wildcard&preview=718116c900fe13fe9f7d5e12ed0a2287&mode=preview