When I create a modal using the interactions panel, the initial appearance works when I preview the site, however it doesn’t hide when I’m in the designer. This makes it difficult to work on the site because I have to set the modal to display none until I publish the site.
Ideally the interactions would take affect within the designer (at least with initial appearance) and execute the javascript on preview. From there it would be much easier to keep the interactions enabled while designing.
It’s a design flaw. Not a bug. The initial appearance doesn’t seem to be taken into account when creating interactions at the same time you are designing a page of a website in the designer.
I keep saying this is a bug, since it has only been happening over the last 2/3 weeks.
You should have a preview on the designer while designing, as it has always been.
I’m not talking about “preview” which I never use anyway… I’m talking about IN the designer… when adding interactions on a modal… MAKE THE MODAL DISAPEAR SO I CAN GET BACK TO DESIGNING THE PAGE PLEASE!
That’s a design flaw. IT should not be stuck in my face after I set initial appearance to display: none.
Ok, I thought you were referring to interactions initial state preview (which have been buggy lately).
Interactions behavior only affect the live environment. It is expectable that you can see and control all the elements on the designer.
If you want to avoid that set the actual modal to display:none in the designer instead on an initial interaction state, then control it’s visibility with interactions.
It is another way to do it, just rethink the process via css instead of doing it with interactions.
I think a better approach would be to set the initial appearance directly on the element (Modal Wrapper in this case) to display: none, then use interactions to apply the effect on that element. That would allow for continued design while keeping the interaction in place.
In general, “Initial Appearance” should be initial and update directly in the designer.