Interaction causes text to disappear


I just wanted to publish my website, but I have a problem with the text. In the designer, I see the text, but as soon as I watch it in preview or publish it, all the text is gone. This wasn’t the case yesterday. I think it has to do with the interactions, since the only text left that does work doesn’t have an effect.

Hoping you can help me!

Here is my public share link:Webflow - My website

Hello @Esmee_van_Vliet !

You guessed right ! You actually have an animation on Page load with actions attached to… nothing ! It even made the Designer slower as it kept looking for something to apply the opacity.

Just by removing the animation, everything appears nice and pretty :slight_smile:

Let us know how it goes !

You are a lifesaver! Thank you, it was pretty simple. :slight_smile: @jptrinh

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