I’m working on a custom pricing section for a client using CMS.
I would love to use an input counter so user can select the number of people of in their group and then see the packages available. I’m using Finsweets’ CMS filter for this, but unfortunately I cannot get it to work with the input counter. Any ideas of what could be happening/ possible solutions?
Your input counter is setup well, and so is filtering. If you edit the number field manually and hit enter you’ll see the filtering happen. It’s just not getting automatically triggered when you hit the + and - buttons.
FS may have a setting or configuration for this, so I’ve dropped them a message to ask. If not, it’s possible to trigger filtering manually with JS, but hopefully that’s not necessary. I’ll circle back when they reply.
Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate the help. It works perfectly when I press the buttons now, but it still doesn’t filter when I first open the page according to the initial input I included. Is there a way to make that happen?
I will definitely look into FS+! I really love their resources.
Hi Ana, I’ve added that to the FS ticket, I suspect Filter doesn’t pick up the value because of an initialization timing issue between the two libraries.
Likely there is a separate piece of code you’ll need to handle filter init and have it re-query the filter fields for their settings.