INP issue in Google Search console

Hi there,

Google search console is flagging an ‘INP issue’ with the mobile views for our site. ( See image attached below )

Where do I even begin to solve a problem like this? Especially for a Webflow site.


Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK]1
(how to share your site Read-Only link)


I’ve exactly the same issue:

As having an INP issue can impact SEO, if anyone has a fix, it would be great to share it :slight_smile: Thanks!

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Recommended reading → Google's Core Web Vitals INP issues email causing concern

I emailed Webflow about this and there was no ‘we are aware of the issue and working on it’… very sad and disappointing as Google has made it clear it will affect ranking.

I have done everything on my site to improve speed (cleaning up my code, image optimization, minification, uploading fonts, deleting anything that’s unused, lazy loading) and one of the main problems for me is that they don’t use responsive images on RTE/CMS collections, so the exact same size picture is shown on mobile as it is on desktop… which they themselves write is stupid… “Do you think that a 3” phone needs to have an image as large as a 32” monitor to look sharp? Nope! Definitely not.”

Edit: even a VERY simple static (contact) page with no images is not getting a good score on Lighthouse for mobile (69), compared to desktop (96), so I don’t know what is going on, but I am very concerned and hope someone can offer some insight. I have emailed Webflow and was just told to add the problem to the wishlist.


100% on the same page. If Webflow doesn’t address this soon, I’m afraid I’ll have to jump ship. Pretty unacceptable for a website tool in 2023.

@brandenh -

The new metric, INP, will replace FID as part of the Core Web Vitals in March 2024. To help site owners and developers to take the necessary steps and evaluate their pages for the new metric, Search Console will include INP in the Core Web Vitals report later this year. When INP replaces FID in March 2024, the Search Console report will stop showing FID metrics and use INP as the new metric for responsiveness.

Introducing INP to Core Web Vitals

Yep. And it’s even more challenging to pass INP with Webflow’s bloat. No matter how much I optimize, it won’t budge for me.


I can improve the INP score and also increase the rest of page speed performance score at Google Lighthouse/Pagespeed Insights.
Please share the website, so i can check the INP score ?

Hello, has anyone been able to solve this issue? Or have you received another answer from Webflow?

This is becoming a major issue for us and if not solved, we will need to migrate no another platform soon.

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Problem has still not been solved. Are people migrating to other platforms and if so, which ones are recommended? Thanks

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