Hi webflow community! I’ve looked around on the forum but didn’t find any relevant thread for this specific issue I’m facing with Wordpress>Webflow migration.
I’m testing out the CMS collection import function for migrating my wordpress site content over.
The plugin recommended by this webflow tutorial is out of date, and no longer compatible with the current version of wordpress, so i went on to look for CSV export plugins myself.
I tried two CSV export plugins, but neither can export the media/image files from my wp site content. Especially for pages that are built with a front-end builder (WP Bakery in my case). It seems like even with plain text field imported, I still need to upload the media files manually for the new CMS collection in webflow.
In short my two questions:
Has any of you figured out a way to import wordpress CSV files with media files?
What do you do to import WP pages built with front-end visual builders that ends up in shortcodes in export files? How do you clean it up?
Thanks much!
Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)