Images appear sideways on live website

HI all,

I hope everyone is safe and well.
For some strange reason,

the second set of images appear sideways on the mobile for the cricket page. any idea why?

Hi @Stelios_Kyriakides, thanks for your reply. This kind of behavior most often happens when the source of the image was a phone and the orientation data of the image is saved to the picture.

When the mobile browser renders the page, it is probably reading that info.

I would recommend to try to create an alternate version of the image outside of Weblfow maybe using some program to open the file on desktop in correct rotation.

Then export as a new file with a new name and if possible, when exporting, choose to not export the “exif” data with the image. Upload to Webflow, then republish.

I hope this helps!

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hi Dave,

Thanks a lot for your help. your suggestion has fix the issue.

Much appreciate your help.

Many thanks,

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