Image slideshow

Is it possible to add a slideshow with multiple images that runs on page load?
If so, can you mix video and images?


You can add jQuery code in the dashboard custom code. If you prepare your slider place you can make a simple loop for $('#awesome_slider').html('<img class="as_image" src=" + image_href + "'); with the 'image_href' changed every few seconds

And I don’t think you could mix videos and images together…

Hi @chriskorbey. You can try to do what @bartekkustra said if you’d like. At the moment we don’t support sliders, but we’re working on it! Thanks for your question.

I was thinking of the same idea. On my homepage, I wanted to have an image slideshow inside my page content container. Do you mind going a little more into detail with this process? (If this is already in detail, then forgive me for my slowness, lol)

You can also use some external slideshow creator… like
and embed it with HTML snippet code
