Image does not invert on hover out

Hey! So I am have trouble with interactions on hover. I have an element (div block 7) which changes colors along with other animations on hover (it is the 3 cards on the left). It is doing all that on hover but when I hover out, the arrow does not revert back to it’s original color of black. I used filter → invert color to change it to white originally but on the hoverout animation (cardanimation2) I did invert again but it is not changing back to black. Could someone point out how to do this properly? I have shared a read only link. Thank you!

Initial State

hover state

on hover out

Here is my public share link: Webflow - sumaitahabib


This is because you have card1animation2 setup incorrectly on hover out.

On card1animation2 if you change the Invert to 0% and then group it up at the top with the rest of your interactions to the time at 0.00 it should work fine.



Hope this helps!

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Thank you! I did not think it was as simple as that. Saved me a ton of time.