I wanted to leanr Cms blog collections

Hi Dear sir / Madam,

i am getting an error while creating the CMS Collection lists in webflow, when i have created the Cms lists and going to create a main bog listing page and adding the Cms collections into the Section this error message appeared (this collection does not contain any items)

Please can anyone help me to solve this problem, i have to fix this Cms items empty error

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Make sure you have blog items. see below ss.

Please review this video; it will give you an idea of how CMS works in Webflow.

Sir, this video is not downloadable or playable, please could you re upload this video file again with preview option ? it will be very helpful to me, the video file is being loading but not getting played in the loom player

@Venkatesh_Designer Video is working properly. Sharing direct link again. Please click here.

ok sir i will check that