I need help with Finsweet CMS Load

Hey community

I have a problem with the pagination of Finsweet’s CMS Load feature.

Here’s what I want:
On page-load it should show 3 CMS items. When I click on “load more” it should load 6 more items every time I click the button.

How can I do that?

I see that I can choose how many items are loaded “per page” in the CMS settings, but I cannot change the number of items just for the first page.


Thanks for any ideas! :blush:

@Finsweet Could you maybe help here?

Hey Martin,

Finsweet has their own forum for supporting FS products, it’s paid but worth it if you’re using FS attributes regularly on projects.

FS Items per page in FS CMS Load is a fixed number per page I think. You can get fancier constructions with the FS API and custom code. I’ve built a responsive version of FS pagination that way where I can have a different number of items-per-page at different breakpoints, you should be able to do something similar for your setup.

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Hey Michael
Thanks for your idea!
I think I don’t use Finsweet products often enough for a subscription, but it seems like it would solve the problem.

Hers’s the solution I found (just so that it is documented):
I separated the list into two sections (3 items on pageload = section 1, rest of the items = section 2).

Section 1
In the first section I set the item limit to 3:

Section 2
In the second section I activated the pagination, set it to 6 items/page and let the list begin at the 4th item.

After that I set the section 2 to display: none so that on pageload it only shows section 1 with the first 3 CMS items.
Then I put a “Load more”-button right under Section 1 that reveals section 2 when clicking on it.