I need help with a Custom CMS Slider and it´s interactions

Hello Webflow developers and designers. I am seeking for help due to an issue I have encountered with a CMS Slider that I have been working on lately. You may find this slider on the Drawings and Illustrations page. The issue happened when I applied a Mouse Hover animation to the items. When you publish the site to see if it is working properly you will find that the animation is not working on the elements that are on the bottom line of the slider. I think this happens due to some issue with the code. If anybody can help me, it would be amazing, thanks!

Here is the live preview of the issue:https://marcelo-portfolio-v0.webflow.io/drawings-and-illustrations . Only some Items on the Top-Right side work.

(The code is located on the Drawings and Illustrations page)

Here is my site Read-Only: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/marcelo-portfolio-v0?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=marcelo-portfolio-v0&preview=abb400475e1cf8f51f0e3ac716dc6c05&pageId=60e8bfd066a6dc3970cdc56e&workflow=preview

Mod Edit: Duplicate post.