Problem with Swipper Slider (using CMS content)

Hello everyone :wave:

I noticed that my slider for the blog posts (at the end of the homepage) isn’t working anymore. I’ve tried to check the code with the backup versions and everything looks the same…I don’t know where the problem is…can someone help me with that ?

The custom code is into the home page settings.

Thanks for your help :smiling_face:

Here’s my read-only link : Webflow - Refonte_Ma-video-corporate

And the published site :

Can someone help me with this please ?

Hi @Alicia_MONTAGNE :wave: At the first — remove this jquery code (this library is already connected in Webflow).

And the second — publish please you website (now it’s looks “unpublished”)

Hi @bro-design, which Jquery code should I remove ?

Sorry I didn’t share the right read-only link, there you go :

Ok, it’s be on other read-only link)

Try tro remove this and publish:

I removed it but nothing changed, it’s still not working

Ok… Then bring it back > add swiperjs library code:

<script src=""></script>

I added the swiperjs library but it still doesn’t work

Ok… Try change this Dragdealer to Swiper:

Still not working. Should I change all the “Dragdealer” ? Or just the one you highlighted ?

Omg… In your custom code try fix this😁

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Thanks for noticing this stupid error ^^ but unfortunately it doesn’t change anything for the slider, it’s still not working…

I’ve corrected that error but it’s still not working…

Can you add me into your Webflow Workspace ( or provide a credentials for access to your Webflow account in DM?

I invited you to the Workspace, thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

So I just remove your previous code and did swiper and scrollbar with more simple line of code) Also swiper cards layout have some duplicated styles on all desktop breakpoints and it’s also prevented the Swiper from working properly💁‍♂️

Try to check how it works now:

It works !! Thanks a lot for your help :pray: